Pirates of the Caribbean

Quotes and Basic Trivia

Who does Jack Sparrow "pretend" to be in the beginning?
  • Mr. Jones
  • Mr. Smith
  • Mr. Craig
  • Mr. Johnson
  • 2
    Jack - "You seem somewhat familiar. ___________________?"
  • "Do I know you from somewhere?"
  • "Do I know your Father?"
  • "Are you a pirate?"
  • "Have I threatened you before?"
  • 3
    Jack ask Will if he is a ______ ?
  • Eunuch
  • Pirate
  • Bad Blacksmith
  • Woman
  • 4
    What's Mr. Gibbs afraid of?
  • Sharks
  • Bad luck
  • Jack Sparrow
  • Ghosts
  • 5
    What did Jack say he used for rope to tie sea turtles together?
  • Hair from his chest
  • Hair from his legs
  • Hair from his back
  • Hair from his head
  • 6
    What's Will's main reason for chasing after the Black Pearl?
  • The pirates captured Elizabeth
  • He wants revenge for what happened to his Father
  • He wants to help Jack Sparrow
  • He's greedy for the treasure of Isla de Muerta
  • 7
    Jack and Will went to London to recruit Pirates
  • True
  • False
  • 8
    Will's Father's nickname used to be Shoe-Strap Bill
  • True
  • False
  • 9
    How did Jack really get off the Island?
  • He flagged down a helicopter
  • Sea turtles
  • He swam off
  • Caught a ride with Rum Runners
  • 10
    What's Elizabeth's Father's main problem with Will?
  • He knew about the Pirate Medallion all along
  • He knew Will's Father
  • Will's only a blacksmith
  • Will wouldn't make him free swords
  • 11
    What's Jack's reason for helping Will?
  • He wants to impress the lady pirate
  • He wants the Black Pearl back
  • He felt like he owed Will a favor
  • He wanted to get out of jail
  • 12
    Will-"Right where I left you. ________________________."
  • As I suspected
  • I knew where you'd be
  • They don't call me Willy for nothing
  • Not where I left you
  • 13
    Jack-"A wedding? I love weddings! ________________!"
  • I want to come!
  • Drinks all around!
  • Who's getting married?
  • Will there be rum?
  • 14
    What were Captain Barbossa's last words?
  • "I'm sorry, Jack."
  • "You shot me!"
  • "I can't believe I'm dying!"
  • "I feel...cold."
  • Unanswered questions will be marked as wrong