Facts from around the globe

Trivia to test your geographical knowledge
CREATED BYemmahopley

What is the Capital of Texas, USA?
  • Austin
  • Chicago
  • Aurora
  • Houston
  • 2
    The Sahara Desert in is Africa
  • True
  • False
  • 3
    How many states are there in USA?
  • 49
  • 50
  • 51
  • 52
  • 4
    The distance between the furthest point in America and the furthest point in Russia is only 11 miles apart
  • True
  • False
  • 5
    What letters are used for a Birmingham post code?
  • BI
  • BR
  • BM
  • B
  • 6
    Sofia is the Capital of Bulgaria?
  • True
  • False
  • 7
    The population of Aruba is 71,566 as of July 2005?
  • True
  • False
  • 8
    There are more than double the amount of people in Brazil than Australia?
  • True
  • False
  • 9
    Which Countries share a boarder with Switzerland?
  • France, Belgium, Spain and Bulgaria
  • France, Italy, Germany and Belgium
  • France, Italy, Germany and Austria
  • France, Spain, Slovenia and Bulgaria
  • 10
    Where is Baker Island?
  • Gulf of Mexico
  • The Red Sea
  • North Pacific Ocean
  • Gulf of Bahrain
  • Unanswered questions will be marked as wrong