Parent Trap Trivia

Trivia questions on the movie, which covers the characters, cast and story.
CREATED BYrunnerchick

What color hair do the twins have ?
  • Brown
  • Blonde
  • Auburn
  • Red
  • 2
    Where do the girls meet?
  • At the grocery store
  • Summer camp
  • Church
  • Movies
  • 3
    What are the girls names ?
  • Meredeth Annie
  • Halie / Elizabeth
  • Annie Halie
  • Elizabeth Meredeth
  • 4
    What are the girls allergic to ?
  • Dog fur
  • Strawberries
  • Milk
  • Cat fur
  • 5
    How does Halie like her Oreos?
  • Dipped in milk
  • Dipped in chocolate syrup
  • Dipped in peanut butter
  • Dipped in frosting
  • 6
    What do the girls do to Meredith while on the hike?
  • Put rocks in her back pack
  • Cut her hair
  • Steal her sun glasses
  • They never went on a hike
  • 7
    Which girl has to cut her hair?
  • Annie
  • Halie
  • Meredith
  • Elizabeth
  • 8
    Where does Annie live ?
  • United States
  • England
  • France
  • Germany
  • 9
    What kind of car do the girls take to go camping ?
  • Red Mustang
  • Yellow Convertible
  • Silver Jeep
  • Yellow Jeep
  • 10
    Who gets their ears pierced ?
  • Jessie
  • Halie
  • Elisabeth
  • Annie
  • Unanswered questions will be marked as wrong