Heather O'Rourke IQ Quiz Part 2

About the life and times of 1,980's child actress Heather O'Rourke
CREATED BYSuaviterinmo

What is the correct spelling of Heather's given middle name ?
  • Michelle
  • Michele
  • Mishell
  • Mishelle
  • 2
    According to a popuar doll magazine, what was Heather's 1st print ad ?
  • Strawberry Shortcake
  • Rainbow Brite
  • Barbie
  • She-ra
  • 3
    Heather could actually read the first Poltergeist script.
  • True
  • False
  • 4
    How did Heather end up getting her part on the TV series Happy Days ?
  • Henry Winkler endorsed her
  • The executive producers were impressed by Poltergeist
  • Her agent got her the deal
  • Drew Barrymore's agent said Drew didn't do TV shows
  • 5
    What was Heather's favorite ice cream flavor ?
  • Chocolate
  • Strawberry
  • Cherry Vanilla
  • Cookie Dough
  • 6
    Heather was a natural blond
  • True
  • False
  • 7
    Which recess activity did Heather like to play with friends at school ?
  • Jump rope
  • Four square
  • Tag
  • Thether ball
  • 8
    According to Jim Peele what did Heather and a family friend use as poker ante one day ?
  • Chips
  • Cereal
  • Cigarettes
  • Red hots
  • 9
    Which musical instrument was Heather learning to play ?
  • Flute
  • Piano
  • Trumpet
  • Guitar
  • 10
    In 7th grade, Heather's last grade, which club was she an avid member of in school ?
  • Key Club
  • Library Club
  • Drama Club
  • Yearbook Club
  • Unanswered questions will be marked as wrong