The Donna Quiz

a quiz all about Donna
CREATED BYmissa39103

Donna's last name is:
  • Piancini
  • Pinciotti
  • Prepon
  • 2
    Donna has two sisters, Tina and Valerie
  • True
  • False
  • 3
    Donna's radio name is:
  • Sexy Donna
  • Sweet Donna
  • Sassy Donna
  • Hot Donna
  • 4
    When Donna is annoyed with Jackie, she calls her all EXCEPT:
  • Midget
  • Mouse
  • Mosquito
  • 5
    When in Chicago for a concert with the gang, Donna bought the tickets to make up for skipping out on dates with Eric
  • True
  • False
  • 6
    Donna's relationship with Casey Kelso ended when:
  • Kitty saw Donna drunk in the middle of the day at The Hub with Casey
  • Casey tried to sleep with her, and she thought of Eric
  • Donna drunkenly confessed that she still loved Eric to Casey
  • 7
    Donna ran away to _____ after being rejected by both Casey and Eric
  • New York
  • California
  • Chicago
  • 8
    Bob punishes Donna for running away by:
  • sending her to Catholic school
  • grounding her from all dates
  • taking away her car (though he later realizes she doesn't have one)
  • 9
    Donna has kissed all except
  • Eric
  • Hyde
  • Fez
  • Casey
  • 10
    Donna waited to go to college at:
  • Harvard
  • Princeton
  • Wisconsin U
  • Madison
  • Unanswered questions will be marked as wrong