7th heaven 1-11

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What did marry steal from the Varsitey
  • A plate
  • Glass
  • Nothing
  • Fork
  • 2
    Who was Matt Girl friend in the end of season 1
  • Heather
  • Shonna
  • Sara
  • Matt was single
  • 3
    What was wrong with simon friend sister in season 2
  • Gang
  • Depressed
  • Nothing
  • mental
  • 4
    What did simon do his report on in season 2
  • Holicost
  • Day JFK was shot
  • WWII
  • 5
    What day was Sam and David born on
  • Christmas
  • Valentines Day
  • Holloween
  • 6
    What was the name of Dena old boyfriend who threntened to shoot simon
  • Sam
  • Johhny
  • Luke
  • 7
    What did simon get suppended for
  • Giving the finger
  • Saying curse words
  • Skipping class
  • 8
    What did Simon do to make himself look cool
  • Tatto
  • Ear periced
  • Teeped a house
  • 9
    Mary trashed the gym in season 4
  • True
  • False
  • 10
    Mary get shiiped off where
  • Chigco
  • Bufflo
  • Florida
  • 11
    Who does Lucy meet in bufflo
  • Kevin
  • Mike
  • Wilson
  • 12
    What Religon is Matt Girlfriend Sara
  • Catholic
  • Jewish
  • Baptist
  • 13
    Name two people living with the camdens in season 7
  • Robbie and Ben
  • Kevin and Robbie
  • Ben and Kevin
  • 14
    Name the assoate Pastor
  • Ben
  • Cahnadler
  • Lou
  • 15
    What is simon Dealing with in 8X01
  • Getting caugt with pot
  • Killing a kid on a bike
  • Car accident
  • 16
    Who moves in with the camdens in season 8
  • Mac
  • Martin
  • Sam
  • 17
    What does Ruthie do to Marin on the first day of school
  • Punch him
  • Panted him
  • Ignored him
  • 18
    Where was Savanah born
  • Hospital
  • Elevator
  • Home
  • In a car
  • 19
    What is the date of Matt and Sara Graduation
  • June 3rd
  • May 13th
  • July 1st
  • May 15TH
  • 20
    Why does Kevin quit his job
  • Lucy makes him
  • He get shot at
  • Lost him mind and did not realize he quit his job
  • 21
    What happens to Lucy in 11X01
  • Get get a new job
  • Loses the babies
  • She is fired by her dad
  • 22
    Who guides Eric through heaven
  • Jennie
  • Martin Mom
  • he never goes there
  • Unanswered questions will be marked as wrong