
How much do you know about Parkour? Hey, do you even know what Parkour is? Find out in this fun test!
CREATED BYTsunami745

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Who is David Belle?
  • The founder of Parkour Worldwide
  • The co-founder of Parkour
  • A person who is really good a Parkour.
  • A famous traceur!
  • Itsa Mario!
  • How the hell should I know?
  • 2
    What is a Saut Du Chat and what does it mean?
  • French term for a Mario vault. Translates into plumber's powerup.
  • The French term for a monkey, kong, or kash vault. It is French for Jump of the Cat.
  • A monkey, kong, or kash vault. Translates into Vault of the Monkey
  • 3
    What is a Precision Jump?
  • It's a jump into a flip.
  • It's when you jump really high.
  • Its a jump when a traceur lands on a precise area, such as a rail or thin wall.
  • 4
    What is a Traceur?
  • French word meaning "person"
  • A practitioner of parkour
  • A pair of feet.
  • That's not even a real word!
  • 5
    Out of these people, which one is the Co-Founder of Parkour Worldwide?
    Where did Parkour originate?
  • France
  • Japan
  • United Kingdom
  • United States of America
  • 7
    What is a Equilibre?
  • A Parkour move used to climb walls.
  • A kind of monkey.
  • Any sort of balance.
  • 8
    What is a Monkey/Kong vault?
  • Another word for a pole vault.
  • A vault that's like a leap frog but the legs go in between the arms instead of around them.
  • I vault where you leap over the obstical, then use your arms to push you even farther.
  • 9
    While initially intended as different terms for the same activity, parkour and freerunning have evolved different philosophies and movements. What is the main difference between the two?
  • Freerunning emphasizes creativity in movements, while parkour emphasizes speed and efficiency
  • Parkour emphasizes creativity in movements, while freerunning emphasizes speed and efficiency
  • Parkour includes ground-based movements, while freerunning involves more climbing and jumping
  • Freerunning includes ground-based movements, while parkour involves more climbing and jumping
  • 10
    In which type of environment is parkour most commonly practiced?
  • On mountainous terrain
  • In gyms specially constructed for parkour
  • On rooftops jumping from building to building
  • At ground level with obstacles such as railings, low walls, and short buildings
  • 11
    Which of the following pieces of equipment is required for parkour or freerunning training?
  • Athletic gloves to protect the hands
  • Sweat bands to protect the forearms
  • Comfortable athletic shoes
  • There is no required equipment
  • 12
    When approaching a handrail, what is the best and most efficient way to overcome it?
  • Speed vault
  • It depends on the entire situation
  • Underbar
  • Kong vault
  • Unanswered questions will be marked as wrong