The Hardest Saved by the Bell Test

15 questions to answer on the old school time classic, Saved by the Bell

Screecheos is the cereal...
  • ... of the champs
  • ... of Sceech
  • ... of Bayside
  • ... of the 90's
  • 2
    There was only one classroom, What was it's room number?
  • 104
  • 101
  • 103
  • 102
  • 3
    How many of Lisa's broken nails does Screech have?
  • 16
  • 19
  • 23
  • 27
  • 4
    In the "SAT's" episode, What did Slater have for breakfast?
  • Bacon and Eggs
  • A Pint of Ben and Jerry's
  • 4 Twinkies and a box of Ding Dongs
  • A box of Oreo
  • 5
    What is Violet's locker number?
  • 168
  • 192
  • 144
  • 162
  • 6
    What is Zack's locker number?
  • 108
  • 156
  • 134
  • 182
  • 7
    What is Screech's locker number?
  • 172
  • 123
  • 149
  • 135
  • 8
    Who said the line "Alright Screeh, lets roll!" ?
  • Lisa
  • Zack
  • Slater
  • Kelly
  • 9
    Who did Jesse take to prom?
  • Steve Wilkins
  • Eliot Webber
  • Zack Morris
  • AC Slater
  • 10
    In the "Earthquake" episode, during the drill who did Zack take under the table?
  • Stacey and Lola
  • Kelly
  • Penny and Brenda
  • Heather
  • 11
    Slater met a girl at Palm Springs, how old was she?
  • 19
  • 18
  • 17
  • 16
  • 12
    When Zack's mom entered his room after the Peter, Paul and Mary concert, what song was she singing?
  • Leaving on a Jetplane
  • Puff the Magic Dragon
  • Gone the Rainbow
  • Blue
  • 13
    In the episode "Fake IDs" when Zack said 'hello inspiration' what/who was he talking about?
  • The girls at the Attic
  • Kelly
  • Danielle
  • The girls at Zack's French class
  • 14
    When Mrs. Belding was giving birth which picture did Zack make Mrs. Belding focus on?
  • Stacey, Zack's previous girlfriend
  • Mindy, a transfer student from Greece
  • Kelly, Zack's love
  • Ginger, a Bayside student
  • 15
    Zack met a girl who's tires were flat, her name was Danielle. What school was she from and what were the names of her friends who Zack and Slater met at the Attic?
  • Joan and Sandy, USC
  • Madison and Emily, USC
  • Payton and Zoey, UCLA
  • Ava and Lauren, UCLA
  • Unanswered questions will be marked as wrong