How much do you really know about Twilight?

Questions about everything Twilight
CREATED BYTotalTwihard

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Who played Edward Cullen?
  • Peter Facinelli
  • Robert Pattinson
  • Billy Burke
  • Charlie swan
  • 2
    Where was the Cullen house found?
  • Forks, Washington
  • Baton rouge, Louisiana
  • Portland, Oregon
  • Vancouver, Canada
  • 3
    Was Twilight ever filmed in only one place?
  • Yes
  • No
  • 4
    Who were the original Cullens?
  • Carslisle,Esme,Edward
  • Alice,Jasper, Bella
  • Renesmee,Jacob,Edward
  • Esme, Rosalie, Emmett, Bella
  • 5
    Who are the Cullens in order created?
    • Carslisle
    • Esme
    • Emmett
    • Rosalie
    • Edward

    Use your mouse to drag and drop the answers above into the correct order

    Were Alice and Jasper created by Carslisle
  • True
  • False
  • 7
    Where are Bella and Edward planning on going to college?
  • Dartmouth
  • Harvard
  • University of Alaska
  • 8
    Who all is trying to kill Bella?
  • The Voltouri, Victoria, Laurent
  • Victoria, The Voltouri, James
  • James, Laurent, Victoria
  • Jacob, Paul, James
  • 9
    Where did Bella and Edward go on their honeymoon?
  • Rio(isle Esme)
  • Denali
  • Rio
  • Hawaii
  • Italy
  • 10
    Who does Jacob imprint on?
  • Rachel
  • Renesmee
  • Bella
  • Renee
  • Rosalie
  • Kate
  • 11
    Who is also a wolf?
  • Sam
  • Old Quil
  • Harry
  • Billy
  • Emily
  • Kate
  • Rosalie
  • Alice
  • Unanswered questions will be marked as wrong